The Zaganian Wars (Book)

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The Zaganian Wars
Published25 April 2023
Language English
DescriptionAn account of the Zaganian Wars of Enada

The Zaganian Wars is a book written by the Palatine of Enada, published on the 25 April 2023.

Plot summary

The book represents an account of the events that unfolded in Enada during the events of the Zaganian Wars in early 2023.

It portrais the struggle of the Enadian people in the face of the Zaganian invaders, and how the Metropolitan of Enada called Ciupitu and the Bucket Saints to their aid, who, together with aid from Nucilandia managed to defeat the zaganians in a final battle and end the war in victory.



 The Zaganian Wars
   Enada, 2023

An account of the
events that unfolded
in Enada, during the
Zaganian Wars of early

Written by the Palatine
of Enada at that time,

Page 1

And lo, the Zaganian
Invaders did descend
upon the town like a
swarm of locusts,
their caravans and
wagons blotting out
the Sun.

The people did tremble
in fear, for they knew
not how to defend
themselves against
the horde.

Page 2

But then did their
Metropolitan and their
allies from Nucilandia
step forward, and with
arms raised to the
heavens, did call upon
their holy protectors
to save them from the
oncoming onslaught.

Page 3

"O Vasile Ciupitu and
Holy Bucket Saints, we
beseech thee to grant
us thy divine
protection in this hour
of need! Let thy
power rain down upon
the Zaganian Invaders
like fire and
brimstone, that they
may be driven back
from whence they came!"

Page 4

And at once, did the
skies grow dark with
the power of the
divine, as the Bucket
Saints did unleash a
mighty torrent of holy
water upon the
invading horde,
drenching them to the
bone and washing
away their wickedness.

Page 5

And as the Zaganian
Invaders did reel in
confusion, did Vasile
Ciupitu step forth
from the heavens,
readying his fingers.
And with a cry that
shook the earth, did
he smite the Zaganian
Invaders with a punch
so hard, and sent
them fleeing back to
the depths from which
they came.

Page 6

And the people did
marvel at the power
of their Holy
Protectors, and did
give thanks unto
Vasile Ciupitu and
the Bucket Saints for
their deliverance.

Page 7

And they did vow to
forever honour their
protectors, and to
keep their Holy Relics
and Artifacts close at
hand, that they may
never be caught
unprepared in the
face of danger.