The Holy Walnut

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The Holy Walnut
Mother of Life
Member of The Ciupitist Pantheon

The Holy Walnut, also known as the Primordial Walnut or the Mother of Life', is a revered entity with enormous cultural and religious significance in the country of Nucilandia and is recognised as a source of life in the religion of Ciupitism. It is believed to be the primordial walnut, from which all other walnuts descend. It is debated whether the tree exists physically anymore, as no one was able to locate it. However, it is for certain that it did have a physical form in the past, and there are still some walnuts left that are closely related to it.


The Holy Walnut is most significant in Nucilandian culture. It is often depicted in art and literature, and its image appears on many national symbols. Nucilandians regard it as one of the most important of the primordial entities, and consider it the Mother of Life.

The Holy Walnut is also an important symbol in Ciupitism. According to Ciupitist canon, the Holy Walnut is one of the primordial entities and sources of all life, and is therefore considered a sacred entity. It is said that the tree's roots reached deep into the earth, keeping it together and allowing the planet to form.


The history of the Holy Walnut is shrouded in mystery. According to legend, the tree has existed since the beginning of time and was once the only tree on Terra. It is said that all other trees evolved from the Holy Walnut, and that it has the power to create new life.

Historians believe that the Holy Walnut was a real tree that once existed phyisically. However, the tree's exact location is unknown, and it is unclear whether it still even exists today. Some believe that the Holy Walnut may have moved on to the spiritual realm, while others think that it may still be hidden somewhere, most likely in Nucilandia.


Although the physical existence of the Holy Walnut is uncertain, its legacy continues to influence Nucilandian culture and religion. The tree's importance as a symbol of life and creation is reflected in many aspects of Nucilandian society, including art, literature, and most importantly in its national identity.

The descendants of the Holy Walnut are also highly valued in Nucilandia. These walnuts are believed to be closely related to the primordial tree and are considered sacred. Their fruits are often used in religious ceremonies and are highly prized for their nutritional and medicinal properties.

The most important and sacred of these descendants is the one in Oradea in the back of Hori's home, which was one of the inspirations for the creation of Nucilandia.